Mon to Fri: 8.00 am - 11.00 pm
SAT, SUN, and PH: 9.00 am - 10.00 pm
Children's Health

Children's health, or pediatrics, focuses on the well-being of children from conception through adolescence. It is vitally concerned with all aspects of children's growth and development and with the unique opportunity that each child has to achieve their full potential as a healthy adult.

Children’s growth and development, Children’s illnesses, Children’s injuries, Children’s behaviour, Children’s mental illness, Family health and children, Family health and children and health care for children are majority of the topics for discussion at different times and when needed


It is important to emphasize that children are not simply small adults and should not be treated as adults. Child health care and the specialty of paediatrics are concerned with providing optimal and appropriate care to all children.


We have doctors who have special interests in children’s health and who are also qualified in children’s health.

They would be happy to help when you need.


Our doctors also administer child immunisations and health checks for children and mothers.



Babies attend for regular appointments in the first twelve months of life. The first...


As infants start to move and communicate, their medical needs may change...


As children progress through school new issues may arise. These may include: ...


Adolescence refers to the period of time between the onset of puberty and maturity.